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Late June and July on the northern Caminos

Keep an eye out for a white  van with this sign on your camino.
We look forward to seeing you - for a coffee, water, refreshment or for professional foot blister care, muscle massages and much more.

My companion and I are frequent pilgrims and more.
Many pilgrims know me from the social media channels with information about the ViaPlata, tips and offers for the well-being of the pilgrims.

One or the other has certainly stayed in my small hostel on the Via in Alcuéscar up to the C story.

let's do this? I would like to pass on my varied experience in treatment/massages etc. on pilgrims' feet and legs to the pilgrims who would like to gratefully accept it.'s a special way to "walk" the northern Caminos once again.
I am particularly pleased that I will be in active and competent company - who, that's still a bit of a secret ;).

Here you can regularly see and read videos and reports about our activities, but also information from and about the places and hostels where we stop and have a rest.

VISIT ... and let yourself be surprised!

We look forward to seeing you!
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